Näyttely #45 – Avata
Sisustusarkkitehti ja palkittu taiteilija Hanni Koroma viettää 20-v. taiteilijajuhlaansa. Näyttelytöitä yhdistää avaaminen monella tasolla.
To honour this, Lokal has invited Koroma to compile their summer exhibition. The theme of the totality, put together by Koroma, is the act of opening; in honour of the anniversary, it is time to yet again open new doors, as well as eyes and thoughts. The exhibition works are are united by ‘opening’ in many aspects.
Sasha Huber, Kirsi Kivivirta, Nathalie Lautenbacher, Outi Martikainen, Christoffer Relander, Matti Söderkultalahti
In collaboration with Johanna Gullichsen and Samuji