Exhibition #45 – Avata


Interior architect and awarded artist Hanni Koroma is celebrating her 20 year artist jubilee year. To honour this, Lokal has invited Koroma to compile their summer exhibition. The theme of the totality, put together by Koroma, is the act of opening; in honour of the anniversary, it is time to yet again open new doors, as well as eyes and thoughts. The exhibition works are are united by ‘opening’ in many aspects.

Sasha Huber, Kirsi Kivivirta, Nathalie Lautenbacher, Outi Martikainen, Christoffer Relander, Matti Söderkultalahti

In collaboration with Johanna Gullichsen and Samuji

Explore: Exhibitions

Exhibition #98 – Manifesto

Petri Ala-Maunus, Arni Aromaa, Roma Auskalnyte, EGS, Mariam Falaleih, Artor Jesus Inkerö, Jussi Juurinen, Anssi Kasitonni, Outi Koivisto, Veera Kulju, Ilkka Kärkkäinen, Laura Pehkonen, Ari Pelkonen, Antti Tanttu

Exhibition #97 – Metsään / Into the Forest

Sari Bremer, Heli Hiltunen, Pasi Karjula, Aimo Katajamäki, Ritva Kovalainen, Lotta Mattila, Jonas Lutz, Kim Simonsson

Exhibition #96 – Versot / Sprouts

Anew dawns nature
As the axis of the Earth
Turns to the sunlight
Every year within
The old, perished ones spring up
New existences