
Lokal Creators / Benjamin Murphy

Benjamin Murphy, born in West Yorkshire, is a globally exhibiting visual artist. His current work explores themes of polarity, time, memory, and contrast – often rendered in charcoal on raw canvas. We visited his studio in Helsinki just before he set up his Lokal White Wall exhibition, Éanáir. 

Lokal Creators / Sini Villi

Sini Villi is a textile artist living and working in Helsinki, Finland. In her work Villi uses handmade ribbon to create three-dimensional textile reliefs and sculptures. We visited her Helsinki studio on a summer afternoon just after she’d set up her White Wall exhibition, Ammonites.

Lokal Creators / Fanny Tavastila

Fanny Tavastila is a painter who lives and works in Helsinki. We visited her studio at the Cable Factory one dark November afternoon to get a closer look at her works, which posess an innate and lyrical sense of colour, rhythm, texture and composition.

Lokal Creators / Hanni Koroma

Hanni Koroma is an award-winning Finnish interior architect and furniture designer. In her work, Koroma combines functionality and aesthetics into timeless entities where her philosophic values in sustainable and playful design meet. Koroma says that space is like a poem that evolves constantly. Her new Lohkoja cabinets are centrepieces of our summer exhibition Butterflies & Seeds. 

Art in Homes: The Gifts that Keep on Giving

The artwork and handcrafted design in our homes are the things that remain most valuable, most cherished, most sentimental, and that develop the best patina over the course of years and changing seasons.

Lokal Living: Lokal Kollektion Today

The Lokal Kollektion products are designed collaboratively with some of our favourite makers. These objects are a family of future classics.

Lokal Living: LASTUJA by Hanni Koroma

This both beautiful and functional kitchen got its design inspiration from a traditional planing bench, which has traditionally been used as a working desk.

Lokal Living: Katja Hagelstam’s thoughts on 10 Years of Lokal

“Art can help one identify an emotion; to touch, be touching and to be touched.”