Exhibition #61 – TypoCraftHelsinki’19

The theme of this years TypoCraftHelsinki is “Kauno”, or “Joint Writing”. We have invited graphic artists, designers, craftspeople and artists to design artworks or products that take Kauno as their starting point. We want to see ideas which combine the theme – freely interpreted – and typography in a new way with the material and form, and in which typography expands from two dimensions to at least three.

Babi Brasileiro, Kirsi Kivivirta, Aini Mäensivu, Tuula Pöyhönen, Elina Honkanen, Tuuli Häggman, Outi Koivisto, Kukka-Maria Kiuru, Pan, Ville Salervo, Eeva Sivula & Timo Ripatti, Linda Toye, Outi Turpeinen, Linda Söderholm & Helena Cimperšek Božič and Ville Salerno.

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Exhibition #102 – Didi NG Wing Yin / Not Just Something

“Through carving, I aim to reveal the unseen essence of wood. Every mark, texture, and cut represents my reflections on the material, inviting viewers to connect with the wood’s silent yet hidden language. Each artwork is a record of thinking through making, where each piece embodies my study of the nature of wood itself.”

Exhibition #101 – Ilari Hautamäki & Santtu Mustonen / Once in a Hyper Moon

This unexpected exhibition presents a collection of works that explore three-dimensional textures, color combinations, and various techniques used to create texture-filled surfaces. The materials used by the artists, such as glass and paper, serve as the foundation for the pieces. The artworks blend the organic and industrial, as well as the controlled and spontaneous, in ways that reflect each artist’s unique approach.

Exhibition #100 – Niidome & Lautenbacher / Hiver – Fuyu

7.12.2024 – 18.1.2025
In the wintertime exhibition, wood and ceramics complement each other. The pitch black and glossy white wooden surfaces and the tones of red clay brick alongside porcelain are windows to other worlds – they bring play, warmth and comfort to the middle of this season.

Exhibition #99 – Sasha Huber & Petri Saarikko / Like Night and Day

In this exhibition two artists, Sasha Huber and Petri Saarikko, come together to explore themes of otherness and connection.