Leena Katriina Ehrling

Leena Katriina Ehrling (b. 1966) works mainly with painting and drawing, but she is also drawn to three-dimensional works; form and space have always interested her. Her latest works are inspired by observations and forms brought about by chance.

Leena Katriina Ehrling

Leena Katriina Ehrling (b. 1966) works mainly with painting and drawing, but she is also drawn to three-dimensional works; form and space have always interested her. Her latest works are inspired by observations and forms brought about by chance.

“I couldn’t exist without creative work. For me, making art is about searching and finding. For a long time, I have considered the background of artistic work to be old Chinese wisdom: “I make observations about myself. This is how I get to know others” (Lao Tzu).

One’s own routes.
Something new emerges from the void.
Growth, the second main part.”

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