4200,00 €
4200,00 €
4800,00 €
4800,00 €
3400,00 €
4000,00 €
3400,00 €
1800,00 €
2600,00 €
4200,00 €
4400,00 €
3000,00 €
Aimo Katajamäki
Aimo Katajamäki is an artist, illustrator, and graphic designer. His typical techniques include wood carving, ceramics, and metal block printing. In recent years he has become renowned for his superhero wood sculptures, which depict human nature in a subtle and delicate way. His sculptures exude delightful, pitch-black comedy. They borrow their imagery from pop culture, the animal kingdom, and the afterlife. His skull characters, which have a human and frail aspect, highlight the importance of the here and now, and the transience of life. Katajamäki’s award-winning sculpture, “Wood People,” can be seen in the foyer of Little Parliament, Helsinki.