Ville Auvinen
Ville Auvinen is a Helsinki-based designer and maker moving effortlessly between sculptural expression and serial production. Working on the quaint island of Lauttasaari in Helsinki, he seeks beauty and harmony through simple expression. Ville feels most at home at the wood workshop working with his hands and testing new ideas. Since starting his studio in 2016, Ville has designed products for furniture brands and for his growing collection of furniture that he produces himself from sustainably sourced materials. Ville hopes that his designs work as a beautiful background for everyday life, serving the user for years to come.
Ville Auvinen
Ville Auvinen is a Helsinki-based designer and maker moving effortlessly between sculptural expression and serial production. Working on the quaint island of Lauttasaari in Helsinki, he seeks beauty and harmony through simple expression. Ville feels most at home at the wood workshop working with his hands and testing new ideas. Since starting his studio in 2016, Ville has designed products for furniture brands and for his growing collection of furniture that he produces himself from sustainably sourced materials. Ville hopes that his designs work as a beautiful background for everyday life, serving the user for years to come.
Buy: Ville Auvinen’s works
180,00 €
320,00 € – 380,00 €
110,00 €